have being reading about insomnia in many post the last 2 weeks...myself since i now i sleep very good...its the opposite with me...i go to bed at 8 or 9 in the evening...might be because i work...im used to go early to bed and wake up at 5 or 6...dont need a clock...the biological clock wakes me up
so went doing some research...on internet and found this..
Inability to sleep may be accompanied by or result from various burdens such as sickness, financial worries, old age, grief, depression, etc. God's answer to insomnia is found in His Word. He desires to set us free from negative emotions (worry, tension, fear, etc.) and bring His healing (whether physical, mental or emotional).
What Scripture Says
"I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me" (Psalm 3:5).
"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" (Psalm 4:8).
"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He gives His beloved sleep" (Psalm 127:2).
How To Overcome Insomnia
If you have done what you can for your sleeping disorder, such as practicing healthy eating habits and getting adequate physical exercise, you need to examine more closely, other potential root problems.
Be aware that the root problems associated with insomnia are important. They may include: fear, sickness, financial worries, old age, grief, family problems and/or demonic activity.
We tend to overlook the fact that anything less than faith (such as needless fear and worry) is a sin. If you are fearful or worried, you need to repent. God has promised rest to those who come to Him (His beloved). As you cast your cares (obstacles to rest and sleep) upon Him Who cares for you, you will have done all you can to remove the obstacles to receiving His rest. Your faith in Him to resolve the problems will bring results.
As long as your mind (attention) is focussed on the problem, you are not free from it. Practice the principle of praise thanking and praising God even despite the insomnia (Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18). As you show honour and respect to the Problem Solver rather than the problem, your focus is directed from the problem to Jesus. Minister to the Healer of the problem instead of the problem. Praise and thanksgiving should be offered until victory comes and you are able to sleep.
If you have done the above and still cannot receive rest and sleep, it may be that you are unable to see beyond the problem. As a result, you are unable to minister praise to God and claim His promises in faith. Whatever the reason, it is time to call for help. Contact the Crossroads Ministry Centre nearest you, your pastor or Spirit-filled friend for prayer. When at least two people agree in prayer, expect God to answer (Matthew 18:19).
God has people anointed with the Holy Spirit who are prepared to intercede for you in your time of need. They are able to bind any power Satan may have over you physically, mentally and spiritually. Wholeness and healing can be yours in the name of Jesus.
As You Pray
Pray in authority and power over every cause of your insomnia. Praise and thank God for victory over insomnia and for giving you the perfect rest that is found in Him.
Happy Spring to you, Soraya! Your new blog is so beautiful. So glad you emailed to let us know about it. Thanks for the encouraging words about sleep disorders. Isn't wonderful to know that the Lord watches over us each night and that we can cast our cares on Him and have a restful sleep.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks, Soraya, for letting me know your new blog address!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI have sleep apnea. I think it comes from when I was a baby and had a seizure due to high fever. I'm on meds for it because I go from stage one to rem sleep in 10 minutes as well as I get so relaxed, I stop breathing in my sleep (kind of like SIDS in babies.) So, I have no problems going to sleep! It's been under control for some years now.
Love to you and yours, Susan