Blogger Layouts

29 apr 2012

The secret place...

Psalm 91 is one of the most-often read of all the psalms. It is also one of the least understood as many don’t take the time to truly think about what it means to “dwell in the secret place of the Most High.”
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)

Ask yourself these questions: Are you at home in God, at rest in Him? Are you acquainted with Him throughout your whole being? Is your heart-work the service of God? Do you worship within the veil, loving to be alone with Him and converse with Him in solitude?

Marriage between a man and woman has two faces—one that is seen in public and one that is perceived only in private between the husband and wife. A married couple holding hands, walking arm-in-arm, exchanging winks or touches … all these are “public” faces of a marriage relationship, all good and necessary though superficial and not intimate by definition. But, that which takes place in the “secret place” need not be spoken of, but the fruit of the intimate relationship can be seen without any word of public testimony.

Have you found that place of true intimacy with the Lord? Do you love being alone with Him, conversing with Him, sharing with Him, learning from Him? Have you learned to set aside some quiet, alone time to be in His presence where an intimate relationship can develop and grow?

Father, although our relationship has grown and blossomed since I first met You, I long for a deeper, more intimate relationship with You! I long to find that “secret place” where I can dwell and find my safety under the shadow of Your wing! Lord, help me love You more, know You more, serve You more! Lord, help me surrender to You more and more each day, that our relationship can be seen and perceived by all who meet me without ever having to say a word! Father, be glorified in our relationship today and every day! Amen!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. What I love about GOD is He makes my time with Him personal. He treats me without other involvment (as He does with each of His Children.) I love my personal time with Him in the morning as I start my day with Him by reading His Living WORD, the Bible. His message is different to each person that reads the same scripture. That is one way He communicates with me. Another way is when I may be at a loss of words, His Holy Spirit brings words to my mind as I share with others. Listening to worshipful music brings me to the joy of what His Heavenly music is going to be like when we come into His Holy Presence. When you think, millions, maybe billions of those in His Church; yet He finds time to fellowship personally with each of His Children. How Great is Our GOD!
    Love to you and yours, Susan


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